Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Reflective Post

During this semester, and this course I have learned a lot of very important concepts for the future. I have learned that technology is going to be very useful for the class and for our students. In this course I have also learned about creating amazing lesson plans, and web pages for students to be able to interact with their assignments. During the course I also was able to evaluate and critique various software and hardware tools to determine utility in a K-12 setting. What I believe I did great was my Teacher Webpage I created for my second graders. The webpage was done for students to be able to know their teacher and for parents as well. I gave students webpages that are useful for the class as it is inside the room and outside of the room, and some text books as well. Also in the course I was able to learn more upon the classroom and how to be able to interact with my students, inside and outside of the room. The course was very useful, my only problem was actually putting my time towards the course, and taking my time to do the assignments, everything was taught well.


 Bencosme, P. (n.d.). Eme2040fsw. Retrieved May 03, 2016, from http://chichichubbs.wix.com/eme2040fsw 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Digital Blog #F Chapters 6 and 12

For this assignment, we were given chapters 6 and 12 to look into and choose three other concepts, and to write about what we think of these concepts and how they will impact our future classes. The concepts that I chose this time were: Information Alerts, e-Newsletters, and RRS Feeds, Social Bookmarking, and Taking Virtual Field Trips. 

The first concept I chose was Information Alerts, e-Newsletters, and RRS Feeds, because I believe that these could have been very helpful when I was in school. Teachers can be able to email parents about assignments, as well as students and keep them updated with them. These could help increase students learning because it will guide parents to check their emails, and make sure students do their work. I believe this will be helpful in my class because I will be able to know that parents are going to the able to get the notifications, as well as students and help them prepare for quizzes and tests as well. 

The second concept I chose was Social Bookmarking, because students are able to bookmark from one user at a computer to a community of users on many computers. This is common around the united states almost like being able to view many computers on one single monitor. This will be helpful towards my class because it will give students who are doing a project to bookmark one site and the rest of their partners will be able to look into the bookmarks and be on their way with a click of a button. 

The third and final concept that I chose was Taking Virtual Field Trips, because this is an actual cool idea, or form of taking "trips". Virtual Field trip to me would mean looking at places on a big screen while taking notes and keeping the video and thoughts in your head. This gives students the idea of the place you chose and do not really need to be there. Also the Virtual trip can help students study and work on projects while other, can just come to class and work on it with me. This will be helpful towards my class because we can take many trips to places without having to actually be there, and i can also test my students on what we learned on our trip. 

In conclusion, these three concepts will influence my class in the future because we need to types of technology, because technology is the future. 


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

 Bencosme, P. (n.d.). Digital Blog F by PBENCOSME - ToonDoo - World's fastest way to create cartoons! Retrieved April 24, 2016, from http://www.toondoo.com/cartoon/10010888 

Cartoon site.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Answers to WebQuest Questions.

Answers to WebQuest Questions. 

Pages 1 to 10 of the story
  1. Who is writing in this journal? - Greg Heffley 
  2. Where does the journal begin at? - At the swimming event
  3. What award did he get for being on the swim team? - Most Improved
  4. Was he even good? - No 
  5. Why were people acting strange around him when he got to school? - Because he still had the cheese touch from last year.
Pages 11 to 20 of the story
  1. What would the students say when Peter Uteger would raise his hand and try to answer questions in class? - P. U. 
  2. What made the journalist think that Mr. Huff had Rodrick when he was in 7th grade? - Made him sit facing the class in the front.
  3. What are Rodrick and the author not allowed to do until they do the dishes?- They are not allowed to watch TV.
  4. What was another reason his summer was lame? - His best friend Rowley was on vacation.
  5. Who was Joshie?- A European Pop Star that Rowley got hooked on to. 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Digital Blog #D Chapters 4,9 & 11

As the semester is coming to an end, and though we still have a few more weeks to go, I have been reading through the book and as selected by the professor chapters 4 and 9 or 11, the concepts that i chose were: Student Learning Objectives, Teaching Goals, Methods, and Procedures (How to Teach), Student Performance Rubrics.

I chose Student Learning Objectives because I believe that sometimes some teachers just have no objective. They come to school just to get get paid and leave. They have no meaning in teaching and they are just there for the money. I think having an objective towards a class and a subject is a major factor of being a teacher.

The second concept that I chose was Teaching Goals, Methods and Procedures (How to teach). When I first started high school, i went to a school that I always thought teachers never really went to school. They just got lucky and passed the assessments needed to teach. Teachers should always have goals, and methods to work through these goals in teaching each student in the class.

Even to this day I use Student Performance Rubrics. They help you with your partners and also with your work. Rubrics allow you to understand see what you can't see with your own eyes, but with the eyes of another person. It is helpful to work with these rubrics because it gives students more ideas.

In other words, as a teacher you should always plan ahead and have an objective to what you're teaching and not just go for the money. Students that are in school are our future and we need to be able to teach them what they need to know.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

 Bencosme, P. (n.d.). DigitalBlog #E by ChiChiChubbs on Storybird. Retrieved April 03, 2016, from http://storybird.com/books/digitalblog-e/?token=x9pd4q7tzj 

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Digital Blog #D Chapters 8 & 10

Another good section that I read that caught my attention was about basically about teaching and interacting with the community. You can help out with school, as well with home and other activities to help students learn. The three concepts I chose for this assignment were: Focus on Issues That Have Meaning to Students, Building Learning Communities, and Teaching Beyond the School Day.

The first topic I chose was Focus on Issues That Have Meaning to Students. The reason I found this very interesting was because technology is the future. In order for students to want to interact with what they learn you must teach them what means the most to them. Student's do not want to go to school, it happens all around the world. What the future needs to do is allow students to actually want to attend school. I always wanted to know why learning about snow storms was going to help me with my future. We need to interact, teach, and be a part of these students future and actually teach them about the world and what it actually awaits for them.

In addition, the second topic that caught my attention was Building Learning Communities. To me this means being able to have clubs, and other activities so that the students as well as the parents and family can interact and help out around. Math clubs, History clubs, any kind of club that helps out and each student as they learn more and more.

The third concept I chose was Teaching Beyond the School Day. Tutors are a big part in this because sometimes students can't learn inside of class because of distractions. Having a tutor helped me improve my reading skills to pass the ACT with the score I needed. Teaching beyond school the day could be after school, during weekends, private teaching sessions to help students learn without class disruptions, and distractions.

In all honesty, these would have been so well for me during school, like learning about bills, and payments for house and cars, and other important things. Also me joining clubs would have been great as well but I was never into those kinds of things, I just wanted to get school over with.


Sunday, February 21, 2016

Digital Blog #C Chapter 5 & 7

As I go through this textbook and understand more about technology with teachers and students I learn new things as I read. You would think that growing up with technology would put me on it's side but I never really was. I was more on the fact of how society treated technology. I always saw technology ruined society with communication. But as I read on and on with how it impacts the way we teach, I get more on its side. The three concepts I chose this week we're: Online Textbooks (e-books), Online Search Engines, and Computer Games as Learning Resources. 

What caught my attention for Online Textbooks (e-books) was that, it actually is very helpful. Coming from reading textbooks all the time to reading on my own tablet made a big difference. There may be some downsides but this his learning style changed in carrying big textbooks, to having the books on a tablet that weighs less than a pound. 

The second concept that caught my eye was the Online Search Engine. Technology changed the way we look for things. Back in the day we used to use textbooks or go to the library to find just a simple way to make a meal, or anything honestly. Until they came up with google. Google is the way to live life. You can search ANYTHING on google, and it will give you the answer you need. Anything you need will be there in replace of books. 

My third concept i found interesting was Computer Games as Learning Resources. It caught my attention because, who doesn't like to play games? If you love to play games why not make something out of it and teach that way. Kids love to play games just imagine what their reaction would be to computer games the whole class can play to understand the lesson in the class. They can even go home and play the games at home. 

In conclusion even as an anti-technology kind of person I can see where this book comes from. Learning with technology is what the future is and why not make the best of it and teach young students the way the world will be with what we already have. 


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Digital Blog #B Chapters 2 & 3

What is crazy about this book that I have for this class, is that it gives me so much information that will not only help me in the future, but will also help my students as well. There were three specific concepts that i chose for this assignment. They were: Developing Lessons and Engaging Students, Your Teaching Philosophy, and Instructional Methods to Engage Students. As I was reading in the book these caught my attention the most out of all concepts.

The one that caught my attention the most was Developing Lessons and Engaging Students. This caught my attention because it is EXACTLY what i went through when I was in highschool. The same question everyday; Why am I even in this class? How am I going to use this in my future? Well to tell you the truth some of it is kind of needed in college as of right now. A lot of things I learned in school is needed now. As I was growing up I saw many students leaving school, never coming to school, and dropping out. It was sad to see how these students were. It wasn't their fault they were feeling so alienated and detached from class. Class was always so boring especially when teachers never really were involved in the class. As a teacher I do not plan on being "that" teacher who hated their job. I want to be able to not just call it a job i want to be able to call it my second home.

Another concept that I had looked into was Your Teaching Philosophy. As a teacher, I plan to teach students different ways of understand their material. I plan to expand their knowledge not only in books but with life as well. I want to be able to watch my students grow and look at the way they learn things. Whether it's Visual, Auditory, or Kinesthetic, I want to be able to let students adapt to the classroom in their own ways. I do not want them to feel uncomfortable as they walk every day into class. I want them to feel at home just as I would. I want to be able to create activities so that students can interact with one another and learn with their classmate. As a high school graduate not a lot of teachers made us work together; either work alone or just never had us interact with the students. I did have some teachers who would get involved and work on certain things and after a test they'd go over answers. I want to be able to have students learn new things as they walked out of class everyday.

The third concept I chose was Instructional Methods to Engage Students. This caught my attention as well as the first concept because it gave me a more broad way to have students understand material. Some teachers never do group activities, work around with students or even get involved with them. I want to be able to give students different varieties throughout class and to tutoring, groups and other ways for students to adapt with their skills.

As i was getting through school not many teachers came up to you to ask you if you understood the problem or homework. They wouldn't go over test or tell you why you got an answer wrong, or which one was correct. That is not teaching. Teaching to me is giving students new ideas for life, making sure they learn new things in the classroom everyday and master, not only the school work i give them but master life as well.

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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Digital Blog Post #A - Chapter 1

Man creating this blog was a hassle. I was stressing to much over this, it was getting annoying; however I figured it out. But it's really funny how when I was little I never thought I would become a teacher. When i was younger I always wanted to do something in the medical field as someone that changes others peoples lives. As i got older I wanted to choose to be a dentist until I got my job. As growing up I saw many changes in technology occurring. I always saw kids under the age of 3 with iPads and other technical devices and I realized it's what is going to get these kids learning in the future because they won't take their eyes off the screen.

In chapter 1 of our textbook it states that "Using technology as a teacher does not require using computers in every teaching situation." I believe that technology will have a big role in our future. The first concept that caught my attention was social media technologies. It caught my attention because it is what we are doing right now as we speak. I myself like to use social media because I get to interact with my friends about a class or school. I believe that using social media will impact my teaching life as well as my students because if they need help on an assignment and homework or anything they can log onto their computers and or tablets and log in and ask one another.

The second concept that caught my attention was digital media. I believe this is another useful source in having a successful teaching experience because there are several ways students learn and if I can't give them enough information there are websites like Youtube, and other websites that have videos. Some youtube videos help me when I don't understand math it. It gives me a more broad perspective on the subject and gives me more examples to work on as well.

The third concept I chose was multimedia technologies because it presents me with multiple examples. Powerpoint has had a big impact on me while going to school. Whether I was presenting a project or learning my ways through a subject presentations helped me quite often and i appreciate them.

In conclusion I believe these three concepts will help me in my future as well as my future students because I want to be able to teach the way I should have been taught. I would like students to not only learn one way but to learn in their way. Learning is done in many ways and teachers should understand that as well. 

Textbook - Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.