Sunday, February 21, 2016

Digital Blog #C Chapter 5 & 7

As I go through this textbook and understand more about technology with teachers and students I learn new things as I read. You would think that growing up with technology would put me on it's side but I never really was. I was more on the fact of how society treated technology. I always saw technology ruined society with communication. But as I read on and on with how it impacts the way we teach, I get more on its side. The three concepts I chose this week we're: Online Textbooks (e-books), Online Search Engines, and Computer Games as Learning Resources. 

What caught my attention for Online Textbooks (e-books) was that, it actually is very helpful. Coming from reading textbooks all the time to reading on my own tablet made a big difference. There may be some downsides but this his learning style changed in carrying big textbooks, to having the books on a tablet that weighs less than a pound. 

The second concept that caught my eye was the Online Search Engine. Technology changed the way we look for things. Back in the day we used to use textbooks or go to the library to find just a simple way to make a meal, or anything honestly. Until they came up with google. Google is the way to live life. You can search ANYTHING on google, and it will give you the answer you need. Anything you need will be there in replace of books. 

My third concept i found interesting was Computer Games as Learning Resources. It caught my attention because, who doesn't like to play games? If you love to play games why not make something out of it and teach that way. Kids love to play games just imagine what their reaction would be to computer games the whole class can play to understand the lesson in the class. They can even go home and play the games at home. 

In conclusion even as an anti-technology kind of person I can see where this book comes from. Learning with technology is what the future is and why not make the best of it and teach young students the way the world will be with what we already have. 


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Digital Blog #B Chapters 2 & 3

What is crazy about this book that I have for this class, is that it gives me so much information that will not only help me in the future, but will also help my students as well. There were three specific concepts that i chose for this assignment. They were: Developing Lessons and Engaging Students, Your Teaching Philosophy, and Instructional Methods to Engage Students. As I was reading in the book these caught my attention the most out of all concepts.

The one that caught my attention the most was Developing Lessons and Engaging Students. This caught my attention because it is EXACTLY what i went through when I was in highschool. The same question everyday; Why am I even in this class? How am I going to use this in my future? Well to tell you the truth some of it is kind of needed in college as of right now. A lot of things I learned in school is needed now. As I was growing up I saw many students leaving school, never coming to school, and dropping out. It was sad to see how these students were. It wasn't their fault they were feeling so alienated and detached from class. Class was always so boring especially when teachers never really were involved in the class. As a teacher I do not plan on being "that" teacher who hated their job. I want to be able to not just call it a job i want to be able to call it my second home.

Another concept that I had looked into was Your Teaching Philosophy. As a teacher, I plan to teach students different ways of understand their material. I plan to expand their knowledge not only in books but with life as well. I want to be able to watch my students grow and look at the way they learn things. Whether it's Visual, Auditory, or Kinesthetic, I want to be able to let students adapt to the classroom in their own ways. I do not want them to feel uncomfortable as they walk every day into class. I want them to feel at home just as I would. I want to be able to create activities so that students can interact with one another and learn with their classmate. As a high school graduate not a lot of teachers made us work together; either work alone or just never had us interact with the students. I did have some teachers who would get involved and work on certain things and after a test they'd go over answers. I want to be able to have students learn new things as they walked out of class everyday.

The third concept I chose was Instructional Methods to Engage Students. This caught my attention as well as the first concept because it gave me a more broad way to have students understand material. Some teachers never do group activities, work around with students or even get involved with them. I want to be able to give students different varieties throughout class and to tutoring, groups and other ways for students to adapt with their skills.

As i was getting through school not many teachers came up to you to ask you if you understood the problem or homework. They wouldn't go over test or tell you why you got an answer wrong, or which one was correct. That is not teaching. Teaching to me is giving students new ideas for life, making sure they learn new things in the classroom everyday and master, not only the school work i give them but master life as well.

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