In chapter 1 of our textbook it states that "Using technology as a teacher does not require using computers in every teaching situation." I believe that technology will have a big role in our future. The first concept that caught my attention was social media technologies. It caught my attention because it is what we are doing right now as we speak. I myself like to use social media because I get to interact with my friends about a class or school. I believe that using social media will impact my teaching life as well as my students because if they need help on an assignment and homework or anything they can log onto their computers and or tablets and log in and ask one another.
The second concept that caught my attention was digital media. I believe this is another useful source in having a successful teaching experience because there are several ways students learn and if I can't give them enough information there are websites like Youtube, and other websites that have videos. Some youtube videos help me when I don't understand math it. It gives me a more broad perspective on the subject and gives me more examples to work on as well.
In conclusion I believe these three concepts will help me in my future as well as my future students because I want to be able to teach the way I should have been taught. I would like students to not only learn one way but to learn in their way. Learning is done in many ways and teachers should understand that as well.
Textbook - Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
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